Breast reduction recovery

Recovery after breast reduction: this is what you can expect from 0 to 6 weeks

As with any surgery, you need to recover from breast reduction surgery. And we can imagine you're curious about the complete process of breast reduction recovery. That's why we like to walk you through the weeks after surgery. What can you expect in those first 6 weeks after breast reduction surgery? Read along!

blog 11/09/2024 by Yvonne

Week 0: just after breast reduction surgery

During breast reduction surgery, you will be given sleep anaesthesia or narcosis, and you will wake up in the recovery room of the operating theatre. Here, your heart and blood pressure will be monitored and you will still be on drip, while you continue to wake up from your anaesthesia. 

You feel no pain and you wear a special bandage around your breasts to support them. Drainage tubes after breast reduction are used to drain excess fluid and blood, reducing the risk of swelling and infection.

A few hours later, the nurse will take you to a private room where you can continue to rest. Some women can go home the same day. Do we notice that your recovery is slower? Then we will keep you in the clinic for a night, by mutual agreement.

Week 1: at home after breast reduction surgery

Actually, week 1 has of course already started immediately after breast reduction surgery, but let's just count that this week starts as soon as you are home. The biggest breast reduction recovery takes place during this week. Chances are you can't and won't do much else this week, other than lie on the sofa or in bed. Take rest, we recommend! Of course, it is good to keep moving and walk around a bit at home.

It is nice if you have someone around you this week who can cook for you and help with household chores. It is important that you strictly follow the breast reduction aftercare rules you were given at Wellness Kliniek, so that you promote the best possible breast reduction recovery.

Pain after breast reduction is normal and is caused by swelling, stretching of the skin and muscles, and healing of the incisions. Pain is usually well controlled with painkillers and subsides within a few days to weeks. Experiencing some pain and feeling stiff during this week is part of the experience.

According to breast reduction experiences, emotional swings can also occur due to the combination of physical changes and the aftermath of surgery. 

Can you shower after breast reduction surgery?  For the first week after breast reduction surgery, it is usually advised not to shower until the plastic surgeon gives permission, which is usually a few days to a week after surgery. If you do get to shower, you should make sure that the dressing and the wound do not get wet.  
Perhaps you can ask someone to help wash you gently with a flannel? By the way, you may not be able to imagine it now, but chances are you won't feel the need to be in the shower at all by then. 


  • Don't go forcing anything (this applies throughout breast reduction recovery!), but realise the importance of taking it easy. This will ensure better wound healing and reduce the risk of complications and pain.
  • Follow the doctor's breast reduction recovery and aftercare rules as closely as possible to promote healing.
  • Know that you can contact the team at Wellness Kliniek 24/7 if you have any concerns about your breast reduction recovery for any reason.

Week 2: progress in breast reduction recovery!

Breast reduction recovery

In the second week after a breast reduction, pain usually starts to subside, although you may still experience discomfort and tenderness, especially with sudden movements or exertion. You may also still experience some swelling and bruising, but these will diminish more and more. From now on, you will start noticing considerable progress in your breast reduction recovery. 

During this week, you can slowly try to move around a bit more and do some walking. Not a marathon run, of course, but for instance a short walk through the garden or around the block. Notice that it is difficult? Don't worry, everyone recovers differently and it will work itself out! Get your rest and listen to your body.

Of course, it is also important this week to keep your wound clean and the scars after breast augmentation clean in the right way. Every breast reduction is different. At Wellness Kliniek, each lady is given personalised aftercare instructions. 

It usually takes 2-3 weeks for the wounds after breast reduction to close completely, but this can vary depending on your individual healing process. 

Are you ready for a shower and wearing a bra after breast reduction? Your compression bra may be taken off for a while (must be put back on afterwards). Be careful not to shower too hot, and then gently pat yourself dry. Never rub and avoid opening the wound. 

At the end of this week, chances are you will already feel much better than a week ago!

Week 3: back to work?

From this week onwards, you feel even better and notice that you can slowly resume some more activities. Think light household chores and walks. It is and remains important to listen to your body, as every body recovers in its own way. Healthy eating can help you feel better faster.

Most women also return to work in the third week after breast reduction, although it is sometimes fine to stay at home for up to six weeks. Of course, it still depends on the nature of your work and how quickly you recover. However, with physically demanding work and exercise, it can take longer, sometimes up to 6 weeks or more, before it is safe to return to work or the gym. It is important to consult with your surgeon before returning to work to make sure your body is ready. 

Medical note for leave/work absence

Depending on what kind of work you do, you may be able to do something again, but it is often nice to stay at home for the first 6 weeks until after surgery. If possible, it is therefore nice to plan time off and recover from the breast reduction at your leisure. 

Get a sick note from your surgeon. You need a sick note after breast reduction surgery to officially get time off from work or other commitments, so that you have time to recover without pressure to return before your body is fully healed. This note serves as medical evidence to your employer or other authorities that you are temporarily unable to work because of the surgery and the recovery process. 

Week 4 to 6: breast reduction recovery continues

Consultation Breast reduction

You have now completed the hardest part of breast reduction recovery, and over the next few weeks you will notice considerable progress, until you feel pretty much as normal after about 6 weeks.

The scars are healing well and should be closed. However, it is important to continue avoiding strenuous exercise and heavy lifting until 6 weeks after the procedure. There should be no pressure on the breasts and incisions, which can cause the skin to burst open. And it can also cause the pain to return. So rest!

From week 7: Resume your daily activities!

You have recovered from a breast reduction from the 7th week, it is generally said. Of course, it is important to listen to your body. Who knows, you might need an extra week. The advice not to force anything remains valid! And if you have any questions or doubts, contact your doctor. But chances are that you will be able to do everything again.

While exercising, you will notice that your condition has deteriorated a bit because of the six weeks' rest, but you can easily build it up again. Chances are you also feel lighter now that your breasts are smaller, and that can be very pleasant during exercise. Some ladies suffered from neck pain and other physical complaints before the breast reduction, and that should hopefully be resolved now. In short, enjoy sports and exercise.

Your compression bra can usually be taken off after 6 weeks! Although it may still be nice to wear it during exercise. Maybe you want to spend a day shopping for new lingerie? We understand that all too well. That is often a lot of fun, so we say do it!

You also notice now that your breasts are becoming less tight and falling a bit more naturally. Your smaller breasts still need to ‘settle into the fold’, so to speak, and start standing naturally. They will also start to hang a little more naturally with the help of gravity a while after surgery. 

In the beginning, the scars may still be a little reddish-purple in colour, but these will naturally continue to discolour and fade. Until, at some point, they are hardly visible, if at all. The final result of a breast reduction is visible after about 18 months.

Do you still have questions about breast reduction recovery?

We hope we've given you a good picture of breast reduction recovery. As you can read, it will take a few weeks, but then you will have something! Do you still have questions? Do not hesitate to contact Wellness Kliniek. You can also read more about the breast reduction operation on our treatment page.

Read more about breast reduction

Breast reduction before and after photos

Are you curious about our patients' breast reduction experiences and the results that can be achieved with the procedure? Understood! Check out our photo gallery for breast reduction before and after photos.

Breast reduction photos

Schedule a no-obligation consultation

We always recommend booking a no-obligation consultation first anyway if you are considering breast reduction surgery. That way you can ask all your questions and get personalised advice too. After all, a breast reduction can be carried out in several ways (mini to large). Personalised advice is desirable to get the result that suits you best. Book your consultation now and then decide whether to go for the procedure. We are ready and happy to help you feel good about yourself!

Book a no-obligation consultation