The future of plastic surgery

The future of plastic surgery

Plastic surgery has made tremendous progress in the past decades. More and more confident people who want to make the most of their lives are opting for optimal health and a beautiful body. Plastic surgery can help with this.

blog 26/03/2024 by Yvonne

The results are getting better and better and the recovery period is becoming shorter and less intensive. A very positive development that we are also seeing at Wellness Kliniek. The future still looks promising. Thanks to continuous innovations and new technologies, the industry is constantly being transformed. The main goals here are better results, less invasive procedures and faster recovery.

In this article, we would like to tell you more about the most exciting developments in plastic surgery. What lies ahead for the industry?

Minimally invasive techniques are the future of plastic surgery

The most obvious trend in plastic surgery is the shift towards innovative techniques that are increasingly less invasive or less invasive. No big scars, no days in bed. The aim is to achieve a beautiful, natural result with smaller incisions and less tissue trauma, and to get back to work quickly.

Innovation in breast augmentation and facelift are great examples:

  • Breast augmentation: The MIBIS technique, which stands for Minimal Invasive Breast Impant Surgery, is a breast augmentation method developed by Wellness Kliniek (with patented instruments) is a major innovation here. This technique allows the surgeon to insert the breast implants through a very small incision (maximum 3 centimetres), keeping the scar minimal and significantly reducing recovery time. Breast augmentation is done in just 30 minutes and is thus also cheaper than the old, traditional method.
  • Facelift: Minimally invasive facelift surgery represents a significant innovation in cosmetic surgery, offering facial rejuvenation with fewer risks, shorter recovery times and sometimes under local anaesthesia. This technique, which uses small incisions, often hidden in the hairline or natural skin folds, allows surgeons to subtly lift and tighten the skin, while at the same time adjusting the deeper structures of the face for a more natural and long-lasting result. The reduced invasiveness reduces the risk of complications and allows patients to return to their daily activities sooner, making it an attractive option for those seeking cosmetic enhancement with minimal disruption to their lives.

These advances promise a future in which cosmetic procedures are safer, more price accessible and more tailored to patients' individual wants and needs.

Focus on safety, ethics and demonstrable quality

At number 2 is the focus on safety, ethics and quality made demonstrable with an internationally recognised quality label. This is a very important development within the cosmetic plastic surgery sector and this quality-enhancing trend is growing among leading clinics and plastic surgery practices.

Clinics like Wellness Kliniek follow strict protocols and guidelines to ensure patient safety. For this, we are certified with an ISO 9001 quality certificate and are regularly re-audited on this. These guidelines include extensive preoperative consultations, accurate surgical planning and careful aftercare. Moreover, we attach great importance to patient satisfaction and the patient's well-being is always at the forefront.

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Regenerative cell therapy PRP treatments are on the rise

At number 3 is advances in regenerative treatments. With these, it is possible to use biological substances (such as one's own blood) and cell therapy to repair and thus 'regenerate' damaged, ageing skin and hair growth.

PRP treatments are becoming increasingly popular to treat skin and hair. The future of regenerative treatments in cosmetic surgery promises a growing trend. Techniques such as stem cell therapy, tissue engineering, and growth factors play a crucial role in these advances, aimed at promoting the body's natural healing processes and improving skin quality, reducing hair loss, reducing scarring, and even creating new tissue.

Disadvantages and challenges:

  • Regulatory: Strict regulations around new medical treatments mean that many regenerative techniques have to go through extensive research and approval processes before becoming widely available. This can delay accessibility.
  • Cost: Regenerative treatments use advanced technologies that are often expensive to develop and apply. This can increase costs for patients.

As technology advances and becomes more cost-effective, and as more evidence emerges of the effectiveness of these treatments, it is likely that regenerative medicine will become more widely available and affordable to the majority of the population. Specialised clinics such as Wellness Kliniek Belgium and Wellness Kliniek Barcelona have the necessary equipment and team expertise. The growing demand for PRP treatments and increasing pressure from patients looking for innovative and less invasive treatment options will accelerate regenerative techniques in cosmetic surgery.

3D modelling, simulations and AI (beware)

At number 4 come modern technologies such as 3D modelling, simulation apps and AI (Artificial Intelligence) platforms, which are already widely used on the internet. They are also increasingly finding their way into plastic surgery practices. Surgeons can use advanced software to create virtual models of a human body. Thus, various surgical procedures can be simulated. Simulations are tools for improving communication. But beware! 3D modelling and simulations also have drawbacks.

While 3D simulations can give patients an impressive visual image of possible outcomes before surgery, these are the drawbacks:

  • Non-guaranteed results: 3D simulations can give patients unrealistic expectations as they cannot always predict the exact outcome. Healing depends on many factors such as age, skin quality, lifestyle and genetic predisposition, which are difficult to simulate accurately. It is better to be guided by real before and after photos. Before and after photos give you a good and real picture of what can be achieved with plastic surgery, such as rhinoplasty.
  • Complexity of the human body: Your body reacts to surgical procedures in unique and sometimes unpredictable ways, which is difficult to model fully in a simulation. This can lead to differences between the simulated outcome and the actual result. This is usually the case with rhinoplasty procedures. Do not be seduced by the beautiful virtual 3D scan images. Reality is usually slightly different.
  • Technical limitations: Although technology is advancing rapidly, there may still be limitations in the accuracy of 3D models, especially in complex procedures such as rhinoplasty.
  • Cost: The development and use of advanced 3D simulation technologies can be expensive, which can increase the cost of your treatment.

Despite these drawbacks, 3D simulations remain, in some cases, a good tool to improve communication, manage expectations and make better-informed decisions. The main drawback is that using computer simulation makes patient expectations unrealistic and does not improve post-surgery satisfaction. It is important that patients understand that simulations are optimised computer images that make us look prettier and cannot offer exact predictions of surgical outcomes.

Robotics and automation little used for cosmetic treatments

Robotic surgery is used in many medical fields, but is little used for cosmetic plastic surgery. Its use in cosmetic plastic surgery is limited by many reasons, including:

  • Sensitivity and customisation: Cosmetic plastic surgery requires a high degree of customisation and artistic insight that is difficult to replicate with robotics. A surgeon's skills in this context often involve subtle adjustments based on the patient's aesthetic preferences and unique physical characteristics.
  • Tactile feedback: Many plastic surgeons rely on tactile feedback during surgical procedures, something that is difficult to replicate with current robotic technology. Tissue feel can be crucial in assessing and creating the best outcome.
  • Cost and accessibility: Robotic surgery can be significantly more expensive than traditional surgery because of the cost of the robotic equipment and its maintenance. For cosmetic surgery, which is often not covered by health insurance, the additional cost can be a significant barrier.

To date, there is insufficient evidence that robotic surgery offers significant advantages over traditional techniques for cosmetic procedures. Without clear benefits, both patients and surgeons will remain reluctant to switch to robot-assisted techniques.

Plastic surgery already state-of-the-art at Wellness Kliniek

The current world of plastic surgery can already rightly be called 'state-of-the-art'. There is already much more emphasis on advanced technologies, innovative techniques, safety, ethics and quality than say ten years ago, let alone 30 years ago. Plastic surgery is no longer a taboo subject, but a truly innovative industry.

Clinics like Wellness Kliniek play a leading role in this. At Wellness Kliniek, we constantly strive to deliver the highest quality care to our patients. With a team of experienced surgeons and modern facilities, we offer treatments in which the needs and wishes of each unique patient are central and we can meet them. Wellness Kliniek can proudly call itself the number one clinic in Europe according to independent research by WhatClinic. Wellness Kliniek was also the first private clinic, for aesthetic plastic surgery, in Europe to obtain ISO 9001 certification.

Want to know more about these innovative plastic surgery methods and find out if we can do something for you? Are you unsure about a surgical or non-surgical procedure? Then book a no-obligation consultation with one of our top surgeons.

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