If dieting is not going well, a stomach sleeve can change your life. Not only does it enable you to lose weight, but it also greatly improves your quality of life. It also offers many other advantages. We will be happy to list them in this blog.
A thinner waist without having to diet endlessly
After a stomach reduction, your waist will become considerably smaller. But you will also lose many centimetres in other places. Usually, you will lose more than half of your excess weight. This is because you can eat less than you used to. It also reduces your appetite, which makes it easier to retain your target weight.
Reduction of health risks thanks to stomach sleeve
Being overweight entails many health risks and can have serious consequences. In the short and long term, this can lead to physical complaints. Some examples are cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, joint problems and sleeping difficulties. Psychological complaints, such as a lowered self-image resulting in social isolation, are also common. After a stomach reduction, the chance of developing these health problems decreases dramatically.
A better quality of life and more self-confidence
After bariatric surgery or gastric reduction, you experience a better general quality of life. You will notice your self-confidence is boosted and your life changes. For example, C.C. talks about her gastric bypass experience at the Wellness Kliniek in a guest blog. "I enjoy the compliments I get and would recommend it to anyone!", she says among other things. You can read the full story here.
A quick recovery after the procedure
Recovery after gastric bypass is usually good and fast. Good postoperative supervision is important in order to obtain the best results. That's why we follow you closely and why you come back for a consultation after a few months.
At the Wellness Kliniek, we perform different types of stomach reductions. Together, we will look at which procedure suits you best. When you decide to have bariatric surgery at the Wellness Kliniek, your operation can be scheduled very quickly. You will enjoy shorter waiting times than elsewhere. Moreover, you will have a comfortable private room with the best health and safety measures.
At the first no-obligation consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss the various possibilities with the doctor and ask questions. Book your consultation now.