I had a nose job at the Wellness Kliniek and the operation has been a real life changer for me. If I knew I would feel this good, I would have had the operation a lot sooner!
Complex about my nose
Ever since I was 10 years old, I thought my nose was ugly and I became increasingly aware of it. I often looked at photos of my friends and before and after photos of rhinoplasty operations. I never took photos of myself from the side, the thing I hated most about my nose. I also never wanted anyone to take photos of me. The photos that were taken anyway, I edited with Photoshop. My complex lasted a long time and I was genuinely unhappy with my nose. After a lot of research, I ended up at the Wellness Kliniek.
First contact with the Wellness Kliniek
My first contact with the Wellness Kliniek was very positive. First of all, I sent them pictures of my nose and the result I wanted. I soon got an answer from the doctor that this was possible. We then scheduled a consultation.
The consultation
After a two-hour drive, I arrived at the Wellness Kliniek. The clinic looked very nice and tidy, and everyone was very friendly. I was asked to sit down in the waiting room, where I started talking to another patient. A friend of hers also had a nose job done by Dr Damen and she was very satisfied with it. This gave me a positive feeling about this doctor.
The consultation itself went very well. I was quite nervous, but thanks to Dr Damen’s relaxed attitude, those feelings disappeared quickly. I showed him again pictures of what I liked. Then he told me about the set-up of the procedure, what the possibilities were and what I could expect. After the interview, I was well prepared!
Dr Damen had left a good impression on me. I trusted him and he knew what he was talking about. This reassured me, as a nose job is very visible. Procedures like that must be carried out by an expert. After the interview, I felt so relieved, cheerful and, above all, very happy that I had chosen this doctor and the Wellness Kliniek! I knew it would be the right choice.
The day of the operation
On the morning of the operation, I was very nervous, but I was ready for it. I wanted to get the operation over with as soon as possible. On arrival, I received a friendly welcome. I had to fill in a form in the waiting room and a little later, they took me to my room. The room was very pleasant. Everything looked fantastic and it seemed like a hotel room. This certainly made the wait for the operation less terrible.
After a few hours, it was time. I had had operations before, but when you lie there, you get all excited again. The adrenaline rushed through my body, but I was guided very well. The anaesthetist said to me: "Don’t try to hold it back. Let it go and let yourself go, then you’ll get the best sleep." I tried this and before I knew it, I fell asleep.
When I woke up again, it felt as if I had had a strange dream. One eye was also half closed, which was a strange experience. Fortunately, I was looked after immediately. They asked me how I felt and if I wanted something to drink. After I had drunk something and gone to the toilet, I was allowed to go home. I was given a bag full of information, medicines and a prescription for extra painkillers.
Recovery process after nose job
The first few days after my nose job were quite intense. I had underestimated what it could do to you physically. I found it difficult to breathe through the nasal packing and my eyes were closed by the swelling. A week later, I started to feel a bit more like my old self. The swelling around my eyes was also as good as gone after a week and I was also allowed to remove the nasal tampons. What a relief that was! After 2 weeks, I was allowed to remove the cap from my nose. That moment really scared me. I did this in peace and without anyone around me. I wanted to see for myself before anyone else could.
I took off the cap and was a bit shocked. I found it strange to see myself like this. Of course, my nose was still very swollen, but I could see my nose had changed in a positive way. I was finally able to imagine this nose would look really good on me once the swelling had gone down. I must have taken 50 photos that day. I had a few more contacts with the clinic. Because everything was fine, we didn't think a follow-up check was necessary. Otherwise, I would have had to drive another two hours to see them.
The result of my rhinoplasty
I’ve changed a lot compared to before the operation. I’m no longer afraid people will look at my nose or that they will think it’s big. I still find it difficult when someone wants to take pictures of me, but this is more because I’ve suffered from this for years. It still has an impact on me, but I’m sure it’ll get better over the years. In any case, taking pictures of myself has become a lot more fun! Another fun fact: since my new nose, I haven’t used Photoshop anymore to make my nose look smaller.
The surgery has changed my life in such a way that I can finally accept myself for who I am and what I look like. Of course, there are days when I don't like or appreciate myself as much as I should but in general, I can say I’m quite happy with myself now. Nothing and nobody can change that!
Don't let anyone stop you
I recommend the procedure if, like me, you’ve been struggling with uncertainty about your nose for years and if it really affects your daily life. A nose job is not something you do on a whim. It’s quite a major procedure and it changes your face.
A tip that I’d like to pass on to people who, like me, are considering a nose job: first ask yourself whether you really want to undergo this operation. Don’t let Instagram, for example, influence you, because everyone edits their photos. If you really have a complex about your nose and think you can’t accept it, then you should definitely go for it. Above all, don’t let anyone stop you. Ultimately, it’s your choice and if it makes you happier and more self-confident, then that’s nobody’s business. After all, it’s your face.
Interested in a nose correction? Make an appointment for a no-obligation consultation at the Wellness Kliniek.